Friday 24 January 2014

11: Experiment #6 - Christmas Shopping

I felt like I had to do a big piece after all those little drawings, so did this, which is more or less a picture of the Promenade in Cheltenham, using some of the techniques I was working on with the other drawings: 

It ended up being a Christmas picture, complete with snow! Which didn't actually happen. I had some fun making a collage of various bits and pieces I scavenged from the Christmas catalogues. I then cut this up again and re-arranged it, then photocopied it onto grey paper for the Cavendish House shop window displays. This was my one concession to breaking up correct perspective/representational drawing in this piece. The rest of the image is a conventional 'scene' albeit observed from a slightly higher viewpoint with grizzly looking shoppers shambling past with their shopping bags. 

This was quite a fun drawing to do and took me about an evening. I like the people and the shop displays, anyway, which combine a bit of collage, coloured paper and pen and ink with some painty bits. 

I stuck some text on this as if it were for a magazine article. It looks fairly horrible but I'm no layout expert. The title you'll agree is a masterpiece:

It could also be made into a really great Christmas card:

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